Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Is The Reason I have No Time For Quilting Right Now!!!

Some of you may remember that at the beginning of the school semester I enrolled in a basic computer programming class.  And how excited I was to be learning how to program and write code.  Well, once I got into the class, I was amazed at how very hard it is to learn to write code.  I actually went into the Professor last week and told her that I was going to get an "A" in the class NEXT semester because for sure I was going to have to take it again.  This class is a pre-requisite for all the other classes I need to take for my degree so I have to pass it.

Now, here is the exciting news - this past Saturday a light bulb went off over my head and I figured out how to write the code for an assignment that was due about a month ago.  I knew I would not get any points but I once I figured out what to do, I had so much fun that over the weekend I must have spend 10 hours writing the code for my six dogs!!!  To be REALLY impressed you have to realize that each of the following six dogs have dfferent code - thats why it took 10 hours!!! 

So, now I am on a roll!!  And when I went into the Profeesor's office this morning to brag on my six dogs (she knew how much I have been struggling with this geek-brain stuff), she said she actually was giving credit to any student who finished a project, even if it was late!!  Well, halleluiah, I may get a good enough grade to just get through this class so next semester I can take the classes I really need to be a Website Designer!!

If you want to see a bit of the detail, first of all you might be a computer geek and two, you can click on each picture to enlarge it!!!  :-))
(Check out the 3 little hairs on top of her head!!)
(Notice the perfect teeth!!!) 
 (Notice the dog food bowl with Pollie's name on it!!) 
DEAD DOG (Notice the XXs in the eyes!!  :-))

Well, I am off to work on the next project!!!  Thanks for letting me share!!


Allie said...

Wow! You are busy! I wish I had a clue how to do anything fun with my computer.

Jen said...

I remember struggling with math so much in college that I had to take Algebra 3 times before I passed! But I finally passed with an A! I love that light bulb moment when everything you've been struggling so hard with suddenly makes sense! Great job on the dogs. Keep working hard and you'll be a great webmaster!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

You are so brave - I get lost if there is more than 2 steps in a computer function.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Good for you!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Never give up sweets. Sometimes all it takes is being able to relate things to something to make our light bulbs come on and our little lights shine. You can do it!
xx, shell