It was so much fun watching this quilt grow round by round. I especially love the crooked little house.
The instructions for this round robin quilt were:
Round 1: Make a center using any number of paper-pieced blocks (Carol's designs) in any size in any number of colors.
Round 2: Should contain only two colors and must include at least one Carol Doak design. You can use different fabrics containing different shades of the two colors, but only two colors should be used in this round. One color fabrics can be solids or tone-on-tones. Or you can use a print fabric that contains only your two colors or shades of your two colors.
Round 3: Second Border: should contain one or more paper-pieced rectangular blocks. Now this round can contain other paper-pieced blocks, however at least one rectangular block should be included. You can put two square blocks together to create a rectangular unit.
Round 4: Should contain paper-pieced corner squares. This means this round must contain paper-pieced squares in the corner of a border or in the corner of a setting triangle. There can be other paper-pieced squares in this round if you want to use them, but you do not have to.
Round 5: This round should contain paper-pieced blocks with points. Now, this means this round must contain at least one paper-pieced block with points. There can be other types of paper-pieced squares in this round if you want to use them, but you do not have to.
Final round: Should contain paper-pieced patchwork in the middle of each side and the corners and use all the colors (not necessarily all the fabrics) used in the center round that began your round robin.
These are Cat's comments about how she created such a fantastic quilt:
"It was such a fun project, so unlike anything I've ever done before. This had many "firsts" for me. First medallion quilt, first time I've ever worked with red and purple as featured colors. First time I ever made a house quilt. And I decided on the house, because everyone was doing stars for their center blocks. I definitely wanted to make something that was very different from the others. First time I've ever set anything askew. I decided to further challenge myself on each round beyond what Carol challenged us to do. First time I ever used Quilt Pro to assist me in designing. And the center round with the Seminole piecing reflect the quilt's Florida origins.
Never made a quilt from the inside out (a medallion quilt) before. And I don't work with those colors normally. After that first center block, I couldn't pick out two colors to feature, as Carol said to do. So I wrote colors on pieces of paper, put them in a bag, and drew two. First red. Then purple. Uh.......
Those are two colors that I use to accent things, but have never featured as solo players in a quilt before. But heck, I had decided to truly challenge myself. It started to take on a life of its own as I went along. Each round "told" me what it needed."
Cat, congratulations on a gorgeous quilt and for winning the challenge!!! And, not only does Cat get a fun, fun quilt, but she gets some goodies for being the winner! Hoo! Hoo!
1 comment:
Kris - how wonderfully nice of you to post a photo and comments of Cat's lovely Round RObin. I took part in this adventure too and truly understand what she is talking about being challenged and working outside the box. A big congratulations to Cat and a big "thank you" to you for sharing - Sharon
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