Monday, July 8, 2024

A New Reality is in the Works for Me . . .

 My sweet little brother, Kelly, died suddenly and with no notice whatsoever 5 months ago today.  I am still reeling!!

I have known him all his life.  He came to live with me in September, 2015 after Heavenly Father inspired me to call him and see if he would like to be roommates and take care of each other in our remaining years.  He was one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world.  He was a great companion and funny as all get out - I was always laughing at some he said or did.

For the first 5 weeks after he died, I sat in my rocker and stared out the window crying, not really sure what to do next.  So I started praying earnestly, asking Heaven Father what to do next now that my mission to take care of Kelly (and he me) until he left, wayyyyy too early by the way, was complete.

I kept hearing in my heart, get closer to a Temple.  So for those of you that don't know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.  Our Temples are very precious to us.  So, my journey to get closer to a Temple began with no further direction.  But everything fell into place, with Heavenly Father in the details, and this coming Friday. I am leaving our sweet home in the hands of a Realtor and moving to South Jordan, UT to be closer to a Temple.

Seven years ago our house looked like this:

Today our home looks like this:

We alway joked  that when the first of us died, the other one would sell our home and move forward with their life.  If I died first, Kelly was going to sell the house, move to Florence, Italy for the rest of his life. :-)

Kelly died first, so I am moving closer to a Temple.  Less than a mile from my new apartment!!

And there is an indoor swimming pool!!  God is in the details!!  Life is bitter sweet right now!!  But I know Kelly would be pleased with the new journey I am pursuing!!  I love you, Kel!!


Anonymous said...

Life has a way of throwing you curves and God has a way of giving you a straight line back to him. May your move be without drama. May you find a sense of being home in your new apartment. And continue with your Saturday Smile and May you experience smiles everyday. Dotti in CT

Robin said...

So sorry to hear that you lost your brother but it sounds like you're going to make a good life for yourself. We welcome you to South Jordan. We live about a mile from the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and could walk there if needed.

liferecipes said...

I am so sorry for your staggering loss. I understand why you need to make this big change. After our son died many years ago, we sold our house in Bountiful, Utah, near a wonderful temple and moved to Idaho to be near our daughter and her family with lots of grandchildren. We are not so close to a temple now. My heart has healed. I found so much solace being near these precious grandchildren and also in service in our new ward. I had been in that previous ward for 37 years but it was time to go. It wasn't that our son had died in that house. The Savior will heal you if you turn to Him and serve others. I promise you this! Last year I didn't even cry on the death date of our son because I decided those millions of tears were just done. I know my son is happy in the Spirit World and I know he is busy serving our Savior. I will be with him again in some future day. You, too, have that sweet promise because of what our dear Redeemer has done for us. May your service in the temple bring you such joy and healing! You deserve to laugh and dance with all the joy of a carefree child!

Janet O. said...

So this big move is happening tomorrow?!? Wow, you go, girl!
I am home from France, but I brought COVID home with me, so you definitely don't want to visit on the way to your new home. I pray for safe travels for you my friend, and wish you the best as you have a new beginning. Look forward to getting together sometime soon!