Friday, September 25, 2020

And Let Retirement Resume . . .

Ok, yay team!! My last day working for the government at the 2020 Census was Monday and now I am hoping to get caught up on my longarm quilting jobs and get some of my own projects completed!!

I went to Guild on Wednesday and Janice was working on a Stack and Whack.  It was gorgeous and so, of course I wanted to start one.  I know, I know, starting a new project is not completing an old one, but then once I start it, it'll need to be completed, right?  And in my defense, the fabric I am using is really old and was just crying out to become a magnificent Stack and Whack!!

This is the fabric ~

And I was hoping that I was going to be making the 8-sided Stack and Whack blocks like this one:

But, alas, I totally goofed up and I am only going to be able to make the 4-patch Stack and Whack!!  Dang!!

They will be pretty but not as spectacular as the 8-sided beauties!!  Here are a few that I have already completed!!

So, as I complete this UFO, I'll be on the look out for another piece of fabric in my stash that will produce the amazing 8-sided Stack and Whack that I am in search of!!

Who ever came up with this Stack and Whack idea was a design genius!!

Until next time, stay safe, enjoy life and God bless America!!

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