Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Made It Through the Move!!

Whew!!  I now have furniture in my new home and after all was said and done yesterday I even got one wall painted so I could start putting furniture where it belongs!!

This morning, I asked Mr. Random Generator to pick four winners for the Kaffe Fassett 2012 Fall Collection giveaway ~

well, actually ARE ~

Deanna over at Wedding Dress Blue

Nancy over at Tattered Garden Quilting

Pam over at Just Me

Patty over at Quilter ooo and Her small Studio

Congratulations to all the Winners!!

Everyone send me an email with your snail mail address and I will get your Kaffe goodies off to you!!

And thank you to everyone who played!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

While You all are Quilting . . .

here is what I have been working on ~ my future quilting studio!!

 This is the "snack bar" and I have already started tearing it out ~ the orange formica and dark brown creepy paneling just do not fit into my color scheme!!

 This is what is supposed to keep me warm down there in the "lower level" - we don't say basement when refering to a place as wonderful as where a quilting studio is going to be!!

 Now, these funky steps were under that nasty shag carpet you see there on the sides.  For the time being I am going to keep that fun pebbly-looking linoleum because it is sooooo retro.  It was probably put there in the late 1950s, early 1960s!!

 A better look at that gorgeous shag!!

 Ok, who is old enough to remember disco??  Doesn't this lovely light fixture remind you of dancing the night away or maybe your grandma's livingroom??

 No comment!!

This means that wood pile is going into the storage room next door - out of sight kinda thing!!

Now, this whole movement is going slower than I would like - for two reasons - I am still traveling 1-1/2 hours each day back to the old house to take care of it and bring another van load of stuff back to the new house!!  Lots of time and energy for that daily ritual.  And second, I am getting older and slower and I usually need a nap after filling the van and driving all that way!!  Then I have to unload what I just loaded!!

But, I am so excited because tomorrow morning is when the moving guys are going to help me move the furniture and the little things I didn't get moved over during this past month!!!  Woo!  Hoo!!  I'll have furniture in my house!!

Now, don't forget, tonight is when I pick the winners of the big Kaffe giveaway!!

Enjoy this wonderful new day!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh Goody - A giveaway!! Look What Just Arrived by UPS - The Kaffe Fassett 2012 Fall Collection!!!

Oh my goodness!!  The Kaffe Fassett 2012 Fall Collection just arrived on my doorstep!!  If you are a Kaffe lover, you will LOVE some of his newest designs!!

I am so excited I am going to have a giveaway!!

Fall 2012 Fabric Collection

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~ LOL!! ~

1.  You HAVE to LOVE Kaffe!!
2.  You have to go to my eBay Store - The Quilting Garden - and look for the 2012 Fall Collection fabrics.
3.  Then you need to pick 5 that you just can't live without and make note of the name, color and item number (example - Camelia, blue, GP132).
4.  Come back here and leave a message with the required information for each of the five fabrics you want.

Now, I know this sounds like a lot of work but I just did an Internet search and I do not see the new 2012 Fall Collection for sale anywhere yet - so, be the first on your block!!

I will giveaway 4 sets of 5 - Fat Eighths on Friday, September 28.

Well, I'm Half Out and Half In But . . .

I did take the time to go to my new Quilt Guild - Needles and Friends - here in the Cache Valley and oh, boy, is it going to be a fun year!!!

I signed up for the Mystery Quilt and the Challange Quilt - which is where we put 2-3 yards of our own fabric in a bag and then the bag will go to someone else (that I won't know who) and they will make a small quilt using their creativity and my fabric!!  Hmmmmmm, I think my fabric will come from Kaffe Fassett!!!

I also signed up for "Block Jo" where each month we will make a traditional block (given to us) out of Civil war prints.  We can do up to 3 blocks but they all have to be with different fabrics and then at the next meeting, names are put in a pot and whose ever name is chosen gets all the blocks made for that month!!  And since a quilter can only win once, there will be lots of winners!!

And finally and most excitedly, I joined up for the block of the month.  My cute friend Sue (who is a master quilter with her own business - Summit Creek Quilts) is the one putting on the block of the month and this is what we are doing ~

Oh, my, it should be a challenge!!  And she won't even let me cheat and get the pattern early so I can get started!!  Oh, fine!!

Then after all the business of the day was done we had show and tell!!  And if you had a quilt to show, you got a FQ!!  Pretty cool, huh!!

Here are some of my favorites ~

It was a fun morning and I can't wait until my Studio downstairs is all set up so I can sew - I'm having withdrawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ya Know the Old Saying - If It's Too Good Too Be true . . .

then it is??  Arrrrrgggghhhhh, I am moving again, because the roommate situation with my new landlady turned out to be different than I thought I understood.  So, I decided that if I was going to spend the same amount for 2 rooms in someone else's home, then I might as well get my own home.

So, miracles of miracles, I just bought a little house on Friday ~

Its a 2 bedroom home and the best part is 1/2 the basement will be turned into a quilt studio!!!  But right now the basement has 1970's shag carpet in orange, brown and avocado green that has to go first!!
 Stay tuned!!  :-))

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And the Winners of the Baby Siggies are . . .

Jeanneke over at De Zondassteek

Gil over in the United Kingdom

Rhonda D. over at Ozark Country Stitchin'

Congratulations, girls!!  I think you will love these little babies!!  Email me with your snail mail addresses and I will get these off into the mail to you!!

Thank you all for your kind comments!!