Saturday, August 27, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sometimes the Best Laid Plans . . .

go awry!!

Found out today that several different things are going to slow our adventure out to the Oregon Coast way down!!  I am hoping we are just amidst a detour but since I have aways placed this adventure in the Lord's domain and in His timing, that may mean we will be staying here in Logan, at least for the forseeable future!!  But I am still noodling things around in my head and one never knows what is in store!!  :-))

Not such a bad thing if we are here for awhile longer!!  I love Logan and if it had not been for a little mid-life crisis, I would never have even thought to leave this wonderful place and all my wonderful friends here!!

So, onward and upward with a smile in my eyes and a happy (and a little sad) heart!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wedding Skirts

A couple of weeks ago I was working frantically to get 18 little skirts done for a friend's wedding!  They got completed and the wedding was a smash!!

Are they cute or what?  :-))

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday's Smile!!

New Little House in Bandon, OR
Quarter Acre Yard
We Can See the Flag From the Fire Department From the Kitchen Window!!
The New Home of Lavender Quilts

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

On Our Way to Oregon . . .

for a quilt show in Newport, Oregon ~

This is the Raffle Quilt for the Show

And then down to Bandon, Oregon to see the little house I bought!!  I tried to get a picture to show but it would not work, so I'll take pictures and post them when we return!!