Friday, July 19, 2019

Enjoying the Summer!!

I have been quite busy this summer, mostly quilting customer quilts ~

This scrappy quilt is one of my very favorites!!

And I love Laurel Burch, so this one was fun to work on!!

But then I needed some sewing time and so I decided to dive into one of my Kaffe Fassett bins and started playing with some blocks.  I started out making some 25-patch blocks . . .

 and then decided to try a scrappy round the world using the gridded iron-on interfacing!!

Plus I have been doing a bit of sorting and straightening in both Martha's Cottage and in my sewing room!!  Feels good!!


Janet O. said...

You have been one busy quilter, my friend! Looking good!
I like your 25-patch blocks, and that is a pretty TATW.

deb said...

Wow! Beautiful...

elliek said...

Lovely quilting Kris.